Marine Conservation Zones: Consultation on proposals for designation in 2013
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
With over 40,000 responses, this has been an exceptional consultation in terms of the numbers of responses Defra has received.
The site designations and summary of site-specific responses document provides a summary of the responses that related specifically to the 31 sites proposed for designation in Defra’s Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) public consultation exercise. It also provides a response to issues raised and summarises final decisions on designations.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation sought views on proposals for the designation of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in English inshore and English and Welsh offshore waters.
This consultation sought to engage with everyone who has an interest in the marine environment and coastal communities. It’s the primary opportunity for people to have their say and influence the decisions on how many MCZs are designated, where they are designated and for what features.
Information and comments submitted will be used to inform the decision on which sites will be designated in the first tranche in 2013. Information gathered at this stage will also be used as part of the decision-making process for designation of sites in later tranches.
Consultation documents
Please note: Some of these files are very large and you should download them to your computer before opening them: right click on the links below and choose ‘Save As’.
Information on the recommended sites and an interactive map will also be made available on the updated MCZ Interactive Map.
Further information
Updates to this page
Published 13 December 2012Last updated 21 November 2013 + show all updates
Summary of site-specific responses document added.
Added summary of response and changed tense of detailed text.
First published.