Merger and market remedies: Guidance on reporting, investigation, and enforcement of potential breaches
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The CMA has published the reporting, investigation and enforcement of potential breaches of its markets and merger orders and undertakings. The guidance has been amended following comments received during the consultation in 2020.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The CMA’s consultation received the following feedback from Barclays plc, In-House Competition Lawyers’ Association UK, Joint Working Party of the Bars and Law Societies of the United Kingdom and J Sainsbury plc.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The proposed guidance does not represent a change in policy or approach, but codifies the CMA’s existing practice in this area, providing greater transparency for those within the scope of final merger and market undertakings and orders and their advisers and representatives.
Updates to this page
Published 30 September 2020Last updated 29 January 2021 + show all updates
Responses to consultation and consultation outcome published.
First published.