Media ownership and plurality
Consultation description
Media plurality is about the information that people consume on a daily basis, which informs their views and perspective on the world. ‘Media plurality’ means having a diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across the media.
In line with Lord Justice Leveson’s recommendations, we want to develop a clear measurement framework in partnership with industry, and carry out the first ever market assessment of plurality in the UK today.
This assessment will create a benchmark for the degree of media plurality in the UK today, helping to decide the level that is sufficient, and how to address concerns about media plurality.
At this stage, we want to hear your views on the scope of the measurement framework:
- the types of media it should include
- the genres it should cover
- the types of organisation and services to which it should apply
- the inclusion of the BBC
- the audiences with which it should be concerned
We’ve published this consultation alongside our strategy document, Connectivity, content and consumers.