MHRA Patient Involvement Strategy consultation
Consultation description
Our draft six-page Patient Involvement Strategy sets out how we will deliver a step change in our involvement and engagement with patients. It is a journey that we are already making progress on, but we also recognise that there is still much to do.
The strategy has been informed by public and patients from the very start, and we want to make sure we get it right. We’d value your feedback and comments on the draft, so that we can consider whether we have missed or need to improve anything. It’s your chance to have your say to ensure that we deliver on our promise to have meaningful involvement of patients.
It’s a fairly easy read and sets out our approach in five objectives. Once you have had chance to read through, go to our survey page and let us know your thoughts by answering a few questions.
We recognise that not everyone will have the time to answer all questions, so if that is the case then please just answer Question 1.
The consultation is open from 9:00am on Monday 24 May 2021 until 11:59pm on Monday 28 June 2021. We aim to consider all your comments as quickly as possible and publish a final strategy in the summer.