Minimum service levels (MSLs) in education
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Consultation description
View this consultation in Welsh
The Department for Education (DfE) is publicly consulting on the most appropriate approach for delivering minimum service levels (MSLs) for education services.
Any minimum service levels regulations we might implement following the consultation would apply on days when strike action is taking place in education services, and help minimise disruption to children and learners across education settings.
If introduced, regulations would be brought forward under the powers provided to the Secretary of State in the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023.
The Strikes Act amends the legal framework around industrial action by giving the Secretary of State the power to set MSLs for certain key services, including education.
The consultation was updated at 8pm on 15 December 2023, to include the publication of the Welsh translation.
A technical change has also been made to the survey to ensure that respondents that choose ‘all sectors’ (Question 6) can answer the questions relevant to higher education, rather than having to respond on these separately.
If you responded under ‘all sectors’ (Question 6) previously, and wish to submit a response on higher education, we invite you to respond selecting ‘higher education’ (Question 6) to complete this section.
All responses submitted to date have been collected and will be taken into account.
The consultation was previously updated at 17:37 on 28 November 2023, after the identification of word limits in some questions.
All responses submitted up until that time remain valid and will be taken into account.
The changes to the survey included:
- allowing more characters for free text responses
- adding the ability to select ‘not applicable or no preference’ in response to some questions
- ensuring early years, schools, and further education respondents can skip the higher education questions
If you feel these changes would have altered your response, we invite you to resubmit your response by 30 January 2024.
If the changes do not affect your response, no action is required and all responses will be considered as normal.
Updates to this page
Updated with a link to the Welsh version of this consultation, and a note to explain a technical update made to the consultation and its impact on responses.
Added a note to explain updates made to the consultation, and the impact on responses.
First published.