Open consultation

National day for victims and survivors of terrorism: consultation document (accessible)

Updated 26 March 2025

This consultation begins on Wednesday 19 March 2025

This consultation ends on Wednesday 11 June 2025

About this consultation

To: This is a public consultation. It is open to anyone in the United Kingdom and British Nationals living overseas impacted by terror attacks, members of the public and organisations with an interest in victims and survivors of terrorism.

Duration: From Wednesday 19 March to Wednesday 11 June

Enquiries (including requests for the word version alternative format) to: Victims of Terrorism Unit Consultation Team Email:

How to respond: The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete, depending on how much detail you give. If you wish to take part, you will be required to complete the survey in one sitting.

Please submit your response by Wednesday 11 June

To help us analyse the responses please use the online survey system wherever possible consultation/

If for exceptional reasons, you are unable to use the online system, you may request and complete a Word document version of the form by email to

Response paper: A response to this consultation will be published online via GOV.UK.


Terrorism has a devastating impact on individuals, their families and friends, and communities. Many individuals have had their lives changed forever and have experienced unthinkable loss in heart-breaking circumstances. Those who we have sadly lost to terrorism are forever remembered by their loved ones, and by a nation that stands still when these tragedies occur.

Currently, there is no single focal point for the nation to honour the legacy of those whose lives have been tragically cut short or to pay tribute to the courage of individuals who have had their lives changed forever. Members of the victim and survivor community have called for a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, to allow the nation to come together in remembrance and reflection. The Home Office has therefore launched this consultation to ensure the public, most importantly those most keenly affected by terrorism, can share their views around introducing a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism and the ways this could be commemorated.

A National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism would recognise anyone impacted by terrorism in the United Kingdom and British Nationals affected by terrorist acts overseas. We want to hear from anyone who feels impacted, including, those tragically bereaved, those injured, held hostage or witnesses to attacks, family members of survivors, first responders and those who support victims of terrorism. Your opinion matters and we’d be very grateful for your participation.

The questions in this survey are sensitive, and we appreciate it can be extremely difficult for victims and survivors to be reminded about the attack which impacted them. Support is available for anyone impacted by a terror attack in the United Kingdom and for British Nationals impacted by attacks overseas. To access support, please speak to Victim Support by contacting their free 24/7 support line on 0808 168 9111, or on live chat by visiting

We understand that it is important for a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism to reflect the wishes of victims, survivors and their families. Whilst we may not be able to deliver recognition that meets everyone’s needs, we are committed to ensuring a meaningful tribute for all those whose lives have been forever changed.

Thank you for contributing to this survey.

Dan Jarvis MBE MP Security Minister

Executive summary

This consultation is open to the public and we encourage people impacted by terrorism and individuals or organisations with an interest in victims and survivors of terrorism to take part.

Recognition is important to victims and survivors and can be key to their recovery. A National Day would recognise anyone impacted by terrorism[footnote 1] in the United Kingdom and British Nationals affected by terrorist attacks overseas. Whilst the government may not be able to determine all events overseas as acts of terrorism, some horrific acts are likely acknowledged by the public and those affected in this way. We want a National Day to recognise anyone who feels impacted by an act of terrorism[footnote 2] and welcome your participation in this consultation. Victims of terrorism are anyone who has suffered physical, mental and emotional harm because of a terrorist attack. This includes those sadly lost, bereaved, held hostage and injured in terrorist attacks, as well as witnesses and first responders to the scene of the attack.

The Home Office’s Victims of Terrorism Unit has established this consultation to understand public support for a National Day and explore how a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism should be commemorated.

The consultation seeks views on the reasons to support or not support a National Day. The consultation also allows the opportunity for respondents to shape key aspects of a National Day by inviting opinions on a potential name, date and the ways it could be commemorated.

We welcome responses from anyone in the United Kingdom and British Nationals living overseas who have been impacted by domestic and overseas terror attacks, or those with an interest in the areas being consulted on within this consultation.


This paper sets out consultation proposals for a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism. The consultation is aimed at anyone impacted by terror attacks, and individuals or organisations with an interest in victims of terrorism. In particular, it seeks the views of victims and survivors of terror attacks and the people that have supported them.

The proposals

Background on a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism

1. The UK does not currently observe a single day of recognition and remembrance for those affected by terrorism. The government has listened to the views of victims and survivors, some of which, have tirelessly campaigned for a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism. This consultation is seeking wider views on whether or not this should be introduced and the ways to recognise the lived experiences of victims and survivors.

2. It is important that a National Day, if introduced, meets the diverse needs of those impacted by terrorism insofar as possible. That is why this consultation provides an opportunity to offer thoughts and ideas about how a National Day could be commemorated. This consultation will help the government understand and carefully consider the opinions of victims, survivors and members of the public.

3. There are examples of other national days dedicated to victims and survivors of terrorism internationally. The United Nations established an International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Victims of Terrorism which is observed annually on 21 August. Similarly, the European Commission established a European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism on 11 March, after the 2004 Madrid bombings.

4. A number of other countries offer recognition in this way for victims and survivors of terrorism. Spain formally observes a National Day on 29 June each year. France similarly recognises a National Day on 11 March. Other countries who participate in similar national days include Canada and the United States of America.

Victims of Terrorism Unit Internal Review

5. In 2020, the Home Office delivered a review of the support available to victims and survivors of terrorism, to build on the current support offer and provide those impacted by terrorism with the recognition they deserve.

6.The review assessed the current support provided, encompassing central government departments, local government, and third sector providers. The review’s findings are based on information gathered from direct engagement with victims and survivors, an open-source literature review and online questionnaires to stakeholders and learning from other countries.

7.One of the key themes that has emerged from the review is appropriate recognition of the experiences of those impacted by terrorism and the important role this can play in their recovery. These findings have further informed our commitment to explore the ways the government could deliver long-standing recognition of victims and survivors.


About the questionnaire and how the data will be used

We would welcome responses to the following questions set out in this consultation paper. The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete, depending on how much detail you give.

Please submit your response by 11 June.

To help us analyse the responses please use the online system whenever possible:

This research is being conducted by the UK Home Office, to understand views towards a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism.

The data you submit in the survey will be confidential and used only for the purpose of understanding views towards a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism. We ask that you do not provide any personal data about yourself (including names, date of birth, contact details) and information that may make you identifiable (for example, your place of residency or work) in your response to the survey. Therefore only anonymous survey responses should be submitted to the Home Office. Any information you share in the survey will be processed by the Home Office and shared with third parties for processing and analysis. If you wish to contact the Home Office directly about this consultation, you can contact:

Completion of the survey should take around ten minutes but is dependent on the level of detail you wish to provide. The survey will ask you a series of questions about a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism. Some of questions are single choice, where you will be required to select one answer, and some are multiple choice, where you will be able to select more than one answer. This will be specified in the instruction for each question. Several questions will offer a text box where you will be invited to provide a written response.

The purpose of this consultation is to understand views towards a National Day. While the questions aim to understand opinions and levels of support, there may be some questions that ask for detail about personal circumstances. These are intended for analytical purposes only. Each of these questions will provide a ‘prefer not to say’ option should you prefer to opt out of answering. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. If at any point you wish to withdraw from the survey, you are free to do so without obligation.

How do I fill out the questionnaire?

1. Please use the online system where possible. If you are unable to use the online system please contact to request a word version which should be submitted by email to this same address.

2. Most questions can be answered by selecting the answer which applies to you.

3. Some questions will ask you to select one box only and some will ask you to select all boxes that apply.

4. Some questions include space for you to answer in your own words to provide more information about a particular subject. You will be asked to specify this in the box provided. Please do not include any personal information in your responses. Responses in your own words can be up to 2000 words maximum.

5. Not all questions will be applicable to all respondents. Therefore some questions may not apply to you and you will be directed to the next applicable question like this: à Go to Q2.

6. Please try to answer every question that applies to you. If you do not know or prefer not to provide an answer, please select the relevant box if it is available to select or leave the question blank.

Consultation questions

The Home Office is considering whether the UK should introduce a National Day for Victims and Survivors or Terrorism.

A National Day would pay tribute to anyone impacted by terrorism in the United Kingdom and British Nationals affected by terrorist attacks overseas. Victims and survivors are anyone who has suffered physical, mental and emotional harm because of a terrorist attack. This includes those sadly lost, bereaved, held hostage, and injured in terrorist attacks, as well as witnesses and first responders to the scene of the attack.

Q1. How strongly do you support or oppose the proposal of a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism as described above?

Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to Q2.

1 Strongly Support
2 Somewhat support
3 Neither support nor oppose
4 Somewhat oppose
5 Strongly oppose
6 Don’t know

Q2. Please explain why you feel this way about the proposal for a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism.

We have provided this box for you to share your thoughts. If you don’t have anything to add, please skip to the next question. Please be advised your response can be no longer than 2000 words.

Q3. What other forms of recognition, if any, would you like to see for victims of terrorism? If so, why would you like to see this? Please share your thoughts in the box below ?and then go to Q4

Please be advised your response can be no longer than 2000 words.

Q4. Would a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism be more or less beneficial to victims over other forms of recognition? Please share your thoughts in the box below ? and then go to Q5.

Please be advised your response can be no longer than 2000 words.

The next set of questions will ask for your views on how a national day could be commemorated if one was introduced.

Q5. Out of the following options, what would you want a National Day to be called if introduced? Please select your favourite option.

Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to the specified question.

1 National Day of Remembrance - Go to Q7.
2 National Day of Recognition - Go to Q7.
3 National Day of Tribute - Go to Q7.
4 National Day of Service - Go to Q7.
5 National Day of Memorial - Go to Q7.
6 National Day of Commemoration - Go to Q7.
7 Don’t know - Go to Q7.
8 I don’t like any of these options - Go to Q6.
9 I don’t have a view because I don’t support a National Day - Go to Q7.

Q6. Do you have any other suggestions for what a National Day could be called? If you have no suggestions, please leave the box blank and skip to Q7.

Q7. The Home Office is considering the following dates on which to hold a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, if introduced. In your opinion, what date should a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism be held on?

Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to the specified question.

1 21st August (this date is marked by the United Nations as an International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism) - Go to Q10
2 11th March (this date is marked by the European Commission as the European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism) - Go to Q10
3 No preference - Go to Q10
4 Don’t know - Go to Q10
5 Other - Go to Q8
6 I don’t have a view because I don’t support a National Day - Go to Q10

Q8. Please select what date a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism should be held on?

Please specify this in DD/MM format in the box below ? and then go to Q9.

Q9. Please specify why you have selected this date?

Please specify in the box below ? and then go to Q10.

Q10. If introduced, what should be the focus of a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism? Please cross or highlight all that apply x and then go to Q11.

1 Remembering and recognising those lost and impacted by terror attacks
2 Amplifying victims’ and survivors’ stories.
3 Educating the public about the history of terror attacks in the United Kingdom and attacks affecting British Nationals overseas
4 Educating the public about the impacts on victims and survivors in the United Kingdom and those who are British Nationals impacted by attacks overseas.
5 Encouraging those impacted by terror attacks to get support if they need it by raising awareness of the support available
6 Don’t know
7 I don’t have a view because I don’t support a National Day
8 Other à Please specify in the box below ?

Q11. If introduced, which of the following ways should a National Day be commemorated?

Please cross or highlight all that apply x and then go to the specified question.

1 A symbol - a picture or object to represent the National Day - Go to Q15
2 An annual theme - a focus for the National Day which changes each year - Go to Q15
3 A commemorative annual event - a yearly event allowing victims and survivors to come together in recognition of the National Day - Go to Q12.
4 Don’t know - Go to Q15
5 I don’t have a view because I don’t support a National Day - Go to Q15
6 Other (please specify) à Please specify in the box below - then go to Q15

Q12. Do you think a commemorative event should be held in the same location each year or in a different location each year?

Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to the specified question.

1 Same location each year - Go to Q13
2 Different location each year - Go to Q14
3 Don’t know - Go to Q15
4 No preference - Go to Q15

Q13. Which location do you believe a commemorative event should be held in each year?

We have provided the box below for you to share your thoughts ?. If you don’t have anything to add, please skip to Q15.

Q14. You have indicated that a commemorative event should be held in a different location each year.

Please explain why you selected this, including any locations you think should be considered.

We have provided the box below for you to share your thoughts ?. If you don’t have anything to add, please skip to Q15.

Q15. We would like to know more about your ideas for a National Day. If you have any thoughts, please share them in the box below ?. If you don’t have anything to add, please go to Q16.

Please be advised your response can be no longer than 2000 words.

Q16. What outcomes, if any, do you think could result from a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism? These could be positive or negative, expected or unexpected. Please share your thoughts in the box below ?

If you don’t have anything to add, please go to Q17.

Please be advised your response can be no longer than 2000 words.

Q17. Is there anything else you would like to add on the topic of recognition for victims and survivors of terrorism? Please share your thoughts in the box below ?

If you don’t have anything to add, please go to the next information box.

The following question will ask about your interest in this consultation.

Please be assured your response will remain confidential.

If you would prefer not to answer this question, please select ‘prefer not to say’.

Please be advised your response can be no longer than 2000 words.

Q18. Which of the following is applicable to you?

Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to the specified question.

1 Terrorism has impacted me and/or a loved one - Please read the next information box and go to Q19.
2 I am an interested member of the public - Go to the end of the survey.
3 I have a professional interest in this topic - Go to the end of the survey.
4 Prefer not to say - Go to the end of the survey.
5 Other à Please specify in the box below - and go to the end of the survey.

The purpose of this survey is not to ask about your personal circumstances, but the next few questions will ask for some details for analytical purposes.

The following questions will ask about how you were impacted by a terror attack. Please be assured your response will remain confidential. We understand it can be difficult to be reminded of the attack which impacted you and you may wish to skip them. When you get to the questions, there will be an option to select ‘prefer not to say’ for any that you would prefer not to provide a response for.

Q19. Please tell us how you would like to proceed. Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to the specified question.

1 Yes, I am happy to proceed to these questions. - Go to Q20
2 No, I would not like to answer these questions. - Please go to the end of the survey.

The purpose of this survey is not to ask about your personal circumstances, but the next few questions will ask for some details for analytical purposes. The following question will ask about how you were impacted by a terror attack.

Please be assured your response will remain confidential.

If you would prefer not to answer this question, please select ‘prefer not to say’.

Q20. Which of the following is applicable to you? Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to the specified question.

1 I lost a loved one in a terror attack - Go to Q22
2 I was physically injured by a terror attack - Go to Q22
3 I was present at the scene of a terror attack - Go to Q22
4 I was held hostage in a terror attack - Go to Q22
5 My loved one experienced a terror attack - Go to Q22
6 I was a first respondent to the scene of a terror attack - Go to Q22
7 Prefer not to say - Go to Q22
8 I fall under more than one category - Go to Q21
9 Other à Please specify in the box below - and go to Q22

Q21. You have indicated that you fall under more than one category. Which options are applicable to you?

Please cross or highlight all that apply x and then go to Q22.

Please be assured your response will remain confidential.

If you would prefer not to answer this question, please select ‘prefer not to say’.

1 I lost a loved one in a terror attack
2 I was physically injured by a terror attack
3 I was present at the scene of a terror attack
4 I was held hostage in a terror attack
5 My loved one experienced a terror attack
6 I was a first respondent to the scene of a terror attack
7 Prefer not to say
8 Other à Please specify in the box below ?

Q22. Did the attack that impacted you and/or a loved one take place in the UK or overseas?

Please be assured your response will remain confidential.

Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to Q23.

If you would prefer not to answer this question, please select ‘prefer not to say’.

1 United Kingdom
2 Overseas
3 Prefer not to say

Q23. You have indicated that terrorism has impacted you and/or a loved one. Do you have a view on the most appropriate term for someone affected by terrorism?

Please cross or highlight one box only x and then go to the end of the survey.

1 Victim
2 Survivor
3 Victim and survivor
4 Person affected or impacted by terrorism
5 Don’t know
6 Other - Please specify in the box below

Thank you for participating in this consultation. If you have been affected by a terror attack, we understand that it can be difficult to be reminded of the attack which impacted you. Help is always available. You can get specialist emotional and practical support at any point in your recovery journey. To speak to someone immediately, call Victim Support’s free 24/7 support line on 0808 168 9111 or go to

To find out more about support available to victims and survivors of terrorist attacks please visit:

Contact details and how to respond

Please send your response by 11 June to:

The Victims of Terrorism Unit Consultation Inbox


Complaints or comments

If you have any complaints or comments about the consultation process you should contact the Home Office at the above address.

Extra copies

Further word version copies of this consultation can be obtained from

Publication of response

A paper summarising the responses to this consultation will be published online via GOV.UK.

Representative groups

Representative groups are asked to give a summary of the people and organisations they represent when they respond.


As a public authority, the Home Office is subject to requests for information under Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000. Home Office has a statutory duty to comply with these requests in accordance with FOI Act 2000 and Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 along with UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes disclosing information for transparency purposes and withholding sensitive information under relevant exemptions to prevent harm from disclosure of requested information. In accordance with the FOI Act 2000, information that can be used to identify any living individual will not be disclosed if doing so would be contrary to data protection legislation. If a request is made by a person for their own information held by Home Office, then this request for information will be processed as Subject Access Request and responded under DPA 2018 and UK GDPR legislation.

This research is being conducted by the UK Home Office, to understand views towards a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism. Completion of the survey should take around ten minutes but is dependent on the level of detail you wish to provide. Your responses will be shared with third parties for processing and analysis. Details of the Home Office’s privacy policy can be found here: rights-privacy-information-notice

The data you submit in the survey will be confidential and used only for the purpose of understanding views towards a National Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism. We ask that you do not provide any personally identifiable information in your response to the survey. Any information you share in the survey will be processed by the Home Office and shared with third parties for processing and analysis. If you wish to contact the Home Office directly about this consultation, you can contact:

Consultation principles

The principles that government departments and other public bodies should adopt for engaging stakeholders when developing policy and legislation are set out in the consultation principles.

  1. The statutory definition of terrorism is set out in the Terrorism Act 2000 (as amended by Terrorism Act 2006 and Counter-Terrorism Act 2008). 

  2. Insofar as consistent with the statutory definition of terrorism.