Consultation outcome

National FCERM strategy: Strategic Environmental Assessment scoping report

Applies to England

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

We’ve presented the outcome of the SEA scoping report consultation in our Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) environmental report.

The SEA environmental report also includes:

  • the results of the assessment process
  • an outline of the responses we received and how we considered them
  • details on how we’ll develop the draft food and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) strategy

See the Draft FCERM Strategy for England consultation website for more details and a copy of the SEA environmental report.

The consultations on the draft FCERM strategy and the SEA environmental report are also now closed. We are now revising the FCERM strategy.

Original consultation


We want your views on the extent and level of information to be included as part of the assessment process.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The revised flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) strategy requires a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) under the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations.

The scoping stage of SEA decides the issues we should address and the approach. We will present the outcome in the environmental report. This will be published together with the consultation on the draft FCERM strategy 2050.

We will consult with interested parties, in particular the statutory SEA consultation bodies.

You can respond to this consultation by email to Alternatively write to our National Customer Contact Centre. Please mark for the attention of the SEA team.

For information about the FCERM Strategy 2050 see the FCERM consultation hub.


Updates to this page

Published 5 September 2018
Last updated 7 August 2019
  1. The consultations on the draft FCERM strategy and the SEA environmental report have now closed. We are now revising the strategy.

  2. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) environmental report has been published as part of the consultation on the Draft National Flood and Coastal Risk Management Strategy for England.

  3. First published.

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