Nationally significant infrastructure planning: extending the regime to business and commercial projects
Applies to England
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Detail of outcome
Summary of consultation responses and the government response regarding extending the regime to include some forms of business and commercial developments.
Original consultation
Consultation description
To help speed up planning decisions for the most complex projects and to increase choice for developers, the government proposes to extend the scope of the Planning Act 2008 so that a wider range of development can be brought within the nationally significant infrastructure planning regime. This will allow developers of nationally significant business or commercial projects to apply to the Secretary of State for the option of using the streamlined planning regime set out in the Planning Act.
This consultation seeks views about the proposal to extend the nationally significant infrastructure regime and, in particular, about the types and forms of business and commercial projects to be prescribed in regulations.
When replying, please use the response form below.
In a separate consultation we are seeking views on proposals to expand and improve the ‘one stop shop’ approach for consents.