Consultation outcome

Near elimination of biodegradable waste to landfill

Applies to England

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

This outcome does not set out new government policy or commitments but does indicate some of what Defra intends to explore through a consultation. 

On reflection of the responses received Defra intend to explore:  

  • expanding the list of separately collected wastes that are prohibited from disposal at landfill (or incineration) without some form of treatment process to include all 5 Climate Change Committee recommended materials (paper and card, food, garden waste, textiles and wood), as per responses to Question 37  
  • determining how we can stop wood wastes being sent to landfill, including as part of a mixed waste 
  • extending focus to all biodegradable wastes, such as, municipal and non-municipal at the same time, as per responses to Question 50

Defra will begin informal stakeholder engagement shortly and hope to consult on detailed policies this year. This is however dependent on detailed policy development and continued stakeholder engagement.  

Policy development will include consideration of other related policies and associated timings, including the expansion of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to waste incineration and energy from waste (EfW).

Feedback received

Detail of feedback received

A total of 62 responses were received, 37 on Citizen Space and 25 via email. Eight respondents wished to keep their submissions confidential. One response was discounted as no name was given or questions answered. Two responses were received which were subsequently resubmitted by the respondents to reflect additional information gathered. The original responses were therefore discounted at the respondents’ request and only the final submission was considered. There were no responses submitted that were considered collectively as part of a campaign.

Original consultation


Call for evidence requesting views, data and evidence on how we can achieve the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfills from 2028.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We’re seeking your views, data and evidence to support us to develop policies that will achieve the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfills from 2028.

Your responses to this call for evidence will help us understand:

  • the composition of waste going to landfill
  • why some biodegradable waste continues to go to landfill
  • your views on how we can best achieve our aim

Updates to this page

Published 26 May 2023
Last updated 12 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added summary of responses document.

  2. We received a total of 61 responses, which we are currently analysing. We expect to publish a summary of the responses we received before the end of 2023.

  3. We have extended the deadline for this call for evidence to Friday 14 July.

  4. First published.

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