Network Rail CP7 passenger train performance reset
Applies to England and Wales
Detail of outcome
On 12 December 2024 ORR published its conclusions on performance measures for April 2026 to March 2029, the final 3 years of control period 7. Read the full outcome on ORR’s website.
Detail of feedback received
The Office of Rail and Road published responses to this consultation on 12 December 2024.
Original consultation
Consultation description
For passenger services in England and Wales, the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) set measures and trajectories for the first 2 years of control period 7 (CP7), covering April 2024 to March 2026, in its periodic review 2023 (PR23) of Network Rail: final determination.
ORR set indicative trajectories for the final 3 years of CP7 in its final determination. It included a process to reset measures and trajectories after the second year given some of the challenges of forecasting performance in the medium term. This consultation is the first step in that reset process.
For years 3 to 5 of CP7, ORR proposes to retain this overall framework but is consulting on the following targeted potential changes:
- promoting a measure of Network Rail attributed delay as an additional success measure to strengthen clarity about what Network Rail (as the infrastructure manager) needs to contribute to the success of the railway for passengers
- considering whether ‘On Time’ (arriving within one minute of the scheduled arrival time) or ‘Time to 3’ (arriving within 3 minutes of the scheduled arrival time) should be our primary success measure for whole-industry punctuality in England and Wales
Read more on ORR’s website.