New Build Developments: Delivering gigabit-capable connections
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Detail of outcome
This consultation closed on 21 December 2018 and the responses have been analysed.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
51 respondents provided feedback for the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to know what you think about proposals to make it a requirement for developers and operators to provide gigabit-capable connections to new homes.
The Government is committed to providing the UK with world-class digital connectivity that is gigabit-capable, reliable, secure and widely available across the UK - and to do so at pace. We have set an ambitious target of making gigabit-capable networks available to 15 million premises by 2025, with nationwide coverage by 2033.
In July, we published the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review in which we said we would work to identify and remove the barriers to deployment and create a legislative and regulatory environment that encourages investment, reduces costs and allows as many people as possible to receive high quality, reliable broadband.
The consultation is seeking responses on the following main proposals:
Developers and network operators share the cost of connecting new build sites to gigabit-capable networks.
Introducing a ‘duty to connect’ provision upon network operators.
Amending Building Regulations Approved Document Part R: (Physical infrastructure for high-speed electronic communications networks). This will mean all new build sites will be built with the necessary infrastructure in place to support gigabit-capable networks.