New energy network merger guidance
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The CMA published Energy network mergers: guidance on the Energy network mergers: CMA190
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The CMA received 2 responses to its call for information.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The CMA is consulting on adopting new energy network merger guidance.
This follows the changes made by the Energy Act 2023 to give the CMA a new function of reviewing energy network mergers.
The new ‘special’ merger regime empowers the CMA to investigate energy network mergers in Great Britain, alongside the ‘ordinary’ merger control regime the CMA is responsible for.
The draft energy network mergers guidance focuses on the ‘special’ features of the new regime, with reference made to wider existing CMA merger guidance.
It describes the applicable legal framework, the process and procedures the CMA expects to operate, the analytical approaches and methodologies it expects to adopt, and how it expects to approach the assessment of relevant customer benefits and remedies.
The CMA is seeking the views of interested parties on the draft guidance.
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