NHS Pension Scheme: proposed amendments for April 2025
Applies to England and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The department consulted on proposed changes to the NHS Pension Scheme for April 2025. A total of 22 responses were received, which were broadly supportive of the changes proposed.
The consultation response therefore confirms that the department will proceed to implement the changes, subject to 4 minor amendments. The amendments clarify deadlines, create consistency between different types of keeping in touch days and take out unnecessary drafting.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The department keeps the rules of the pension scheme under review to ensure it continues to help the NHS attract and retain the staff needed to deliver high-quality care for patients.
This consultation proposes the following changes to the scheme rules to:
- retrospectively amend the definition of overtime in the 2015 Scheme to be pensionable up to whole-time equivalent hours
- clarify the method for calculating member contributions where pay reduces during a period of absence
- amend the regulations regarding general practitioner (GP) and non-GP provider annual certificates of pensionable profit
- allow members who are affected by the McCloud remedy to revoke a deferred choice election or for a deferred choice election to lapse in certain circumstances
- make other technical and miscellaneous amendments