NHS Pension Scheme: proposed continuation of temporary easements
Applies to England and Wales
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Detail of outcome
The consultation response sets out the continuation of retire and return easements in the NHS Pension Scheme which will take effect immediately following the expiry of Section 45 of the Coronavirus Act (2020). It also confirms that these temporary easements will run to 31 October 2022.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views from interested parties on proposals to continue the temporary NHS Pension Scheme easements in section 45 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 beyond the expiry of section 45 on 24 March 2022.
This proposal would continue the ‘retire and return’ easements until 31 October 2022 via amendments to NHS Pension Scheme regulations.
These easements allow retired and partially retired staff to return to work in the NHS or increase their working commitments without having their pension benefits suspended.