Non-domestic smart metering: policy proposals and draft legal text
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We invited stakeholder views on a package of measures designed to give non-domestic consumers access to the full benefits of smart meters, while at the same time recognising the diverse nature of these energy users and the need for proportionate regulation. As a result of this consultation and responses received we are making changes to the energy supply licence conditions, Data Communications Company (DCC) licence and Smart Energy Code to implement the following measures:
energy suppliers to non-domestic premises will be required to use the DCC for the operation of SMETS2 meters. Most non-domestic energy suppliers will therefore be required to become DCC Users by 31 August 2018. This requirement will not apply to energy suppliers who specialise in supplying larger businesses with mostly high-energy consuming sites, and that have only advanced meters and no SMETS2 meters within their portfolio. However, they must become a DCC User if they intend to operate a SMETS2 meter at a later date.
energy suppliers will be allowed to offer SME and larger business consumers (but not microbusinesses) with sites in scope of the smart metering mandate, a choice between an advanced meter and a smart meter.
A Smart Metering non domestic guidance leaflet provides additional information for participants in the non-domestic smart meter rollout.
Detail of feedback received
We received 37 responses to this consultation from a range of stakeholders including:
- large and independent energy suppliers
- Meter Asset Providers (MAPs)
- Meter Operators (MOPs)
- Meter Managers (MAMs)
- trade associations.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The consultation seeks views and evidence on new non-domestic smart metering policy proposals. The policy proposals are designed to give non-domestic consumers access to the full benefits of smart meters, while at the same time recognising the diverse nature of these energy users and the need for proportionate regulation.
This consultation also invites views on the draft legal text required to implement the removal of the Data Communications Company (DCC) opt-out.
As set out in the government response to the April 2016 further consultation, most non-domestic suppliers will be required to become DCC Users by 31 August 2018 and to enrol SMETS2 meters with the DCC.
We are seeking responses from a wide variety of stakeholder groups.
Your response will be most useful if it is framed in direct response to the questions posed, though further comments and evidence are also welcome.
Updates to this page
Published 31 August 2017Last updated 27 March 2018 + show all updates
Government response published along with revised draft text of Electricity Supply Licence.
First published.