Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: Draft Business Plan 2022 to 2025 for consultation
Detail of outcome
In December 2021 the NDA published its draft Business Plan 2022-2025.
Our consultation on the Plan ran for eight weeks, from 6 December 2021 to 31 January 2022. We are conscious that the timing of our annual Business Plan consultation may cause difficulties for some stakeholders wanting to respond, but we are constrained to the current planned period due to the timing of seeking consultation responses and following the required approvals process. We will continue to review and improve the consultation process within the current constraints.
Consultees were able to respond by email or post. The consultation ran in accordance with the criteria set out in the Cabinet Office’s Consultation principles guidelines.
Read our final Business Plan 2022 to 2025.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received 22 formal responses from a range of individuals, local authorities, stakeholder groups and the supply chain. A summary of the general points raised are covered below.
We have considered the feedback and made appropriate changes to amend the draft document. Where stakeholders have requested or have asked for a level of information that is not appropriate for this document we will follow up with further engagement.
If respondents feel that their feedback has not been adequately addressed, please email our business planning team.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Draft Business Plan sets out what the main activities will be to advance our important clean-up and decommissioning work over the next 3 years, and what funding will be available for them. It also highlights some of the other essential work to enable us to carry out our mission-critical activities.
This consultation ends on 31 January 2022. We want to hear from anyone who has a comment on any aspect of this document.
Read our final Business Plan 2022 to 2025.