Consultation outcome

Office of Tax Simplification: review of unapproved share schemes

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

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Office of Tax Simplification: review of unapproved share schemes

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Detail of outcome

The Government intends to proceed with the changes proposed in the consultation. Where appropriate, draft legislation for Finance Bill 2014 was published on 10 December 2013.

On the valuation of listed company shares, respondents made a number of additional suggestions which may have potential to provide further simplification in this area. HMRC is evaluating these suggestions further in consultation with its Employment-Related Securities Stakeholder Forum and the OTS.

Some of the recommendations made by the OTS in its report were not included within this consultation, for example because they could be taken forward without consultation or because further time was required to assess the proposal. Where appropriate, an update on these recommendations can be found in Chapter 3.

Original consultation


This consultation seeks views and evidence on the potential impact of recommendations made by the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS).

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Government is consulting on 5 of the recommendations made by the OTS in its review of non tax advantaged (or ‘unapproved’) employee share schemes, which was published in January 2013. Details of the Government’s response to other recommendations made by the OTS can be found at Annex B.


Office of Tax Simplification: review of unapproved share schemes

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Published 24 May 2013
Last updated 10 December 2013 + show all updates
  1. Added Office of Tax Simplification: review of unapproved share schemes Summary of Responses 2013

  2. First published.

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