Offshore Transmission Network Review: Statement of support for Future Framework recommendations (July 2023)
Updated 27 July 2023

The Future Framework recommendations outline a new, more strategic approach to develop and deliver offshore wind and associated transmission infrastructure for the future energy needs of Great Britain. This is with a view to achieving the UK’s net zero ambitions as quickly and as sustainably as possible, whilst delivering benefits to consumers, communities, the environment and supporting Britain’s energy security.
The recommendations have been developed in collaboration between Offshore Transmission Network Review project partners, including Ofgem, National Grid Electricity System Operator, The Crown Estate, Crown Estate Scotland, DEFRA, Marine Management Organisation, Welsh Government and Scottish Government. Wider stakeholders from both private and public sector have also been engaged.
We recognise that delivery against Future Framework recommendations will involve multiple partner organisations and use existing change programmes. Responsibility for developing implementation detail, as well as necessary stakeholder engagement, will rest with parties responsible for specific areas of delivery, according to their existing remit. The Future Framework will be implemented in line with any devolved functions in Scotland and Wales.
The Future Framework will be implemented in a transitional way, with different aspects put in place over time by relevant programmes or activity taken forward by delivery partners. In the longer term, the approach will evolve for subsequent ‘groups’ of projects captured by future iterations of holistic, centralised network planning to deliver transformational change.
The Project Partners confirm their commitment to delivery of the Future Framework recommendations as outlined in Part 2 of the Offshore Transmission Network Review: Consultation response and recommendations for a Future Framework publication.