Oliver McGowan draft code of practice
Applies to England
Consultation description
This consultation considers the extent to which the Oliver McGowan code of practice on statutory learning disability and autism training (the code) provides Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered providers with the necessary guidance to meet the legislative requirement introduced by section 181 of the Health and Care Act 2022. The effect of the new requirement is that CQC-registered providers must ensure their staff receive learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role.
The views and feedback gathered from this consultation will inform the final version of the code to be laid in Parliament. We are seeking your views on the draft code and its provisions.
This consultation will run for a period of 12 weeks and is open to anyone with an interest in the draft code.
You can respond:
- as an individual
- on behalf of someone else
- on behalf of an organisation
If you have any queries on this consultation or require an alternative format, email ndld.consultation@dhsc.gov.uk.
There is also an easy read version of this consultation, which is open until 16 October 2023.