Onshore wind: call for evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
These calls for evidence on onshore wind energy are being issued in parallel.
Part A: community engagement and benefits
The different types of engagement activities being carried out between onshore wind developers and communities and the various community benefit packages offered across the UK and internationally. This will be used to examine how communities can have more of a say over, and receive greater economic and wider social benefits from hosting onshore wind farms.
Part B: costs
The latest data on pre-development costs, capital costs, operating costs and financial costs of onshore wind development in the UK. This will be used to identify any changes to the costs faced by developers/investors and operators of onshore wind, using the data in the government response to the Renewables Obligation Banding as a baseline.
We invite interested parties to submit comments and evidence in response to either or both of these two calls. Where possible please use the templates provided to record your responses and evidence.
International Support for Onshore Wind
Alongside the Onshore Wind Call for Evidence DECC commissioned Frontier Economics to undertake an evidence review of onshore wind electricity generation, focusing on international evidence of government initiatives to support such investment and deployment.