Options to encourage permanent reductions in electricity use (Electricity Demand Reduction)
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We believe that there is significant potential for greater efficiency in the use of electricity in the UK - some of which will be realised by existing policy. The consultation on electricity demand reduction sought views on what more might be done to support the efficient use of electricity. It looked at the opportunities in all sectors and identified a number of key barriers that are preventing this potential from being realised.
Our response to the consultation provides a summary of the views expressed by respondents and outlines the Government’s proposed approach to supporting electricity demand reduction.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We believe that there is significant potential for greater efficiency in the use of electricity in the UK - some of which will be realised by existing policy. The consultation on electricity demand reduction sought views on what more might be done to support the efficient use of electricity. It looked at the opportunities in all sectors and identified a number of key barriers that are preventing this potential from being realised.
Our response to the consultation provides a summary of the views expressed by respondents and outlines the Government’s proposed approach to supporting electricity demand reduction.
Contact us
Tel: 0300 068 6775 Email: edr-project@decc.gsi.gov.uk