Our equality and diversity strategy
Consultation description
Our diversity statement sets out our vision and approach to diversity and has the full support and commitment of senior management across the Department.
We have also included the DECC Single Equality Scheme in this document. As a public body, we have obligations to consult and publish how we will meet various objectives relating to diversity. The Single Equality Scheme is our action plan to do this.
Contact us
Email: diversityconsultation@decc.gsi.gov.uk Post: Diversity Team
HR Directorate Department of Energy and Climate Change
7th floor, Area E, 3 - 8 Whitehall Place
We are interested in everyone’s views and feedback and will consider everything we receive so what you say can make a difference. There is a specific obligation to consult on race and people with disabilities in relation to the Single Equality Scheme, so we are particularly keen to have comments from people in connection with these topics.
Consultation documents:
Equality and Diversity Strategy including the DECC Single Equality Scheme document
DECC equality and diversity statement by Moira Wallace, Permanent Secretary