Pensions dashboards: further consultation
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This is the government response to the Pensions Dashboards: further consultation. The further consultation was launched on 28 June and closed on 19 July 2022.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Further consultation
In January, the ‘Pensions dashboards: consultation on the draft Pensions Dashboards Regulations 2022’ sought views on a range of policy questions relating to the creation of pensions dashboards and an indicative draft of the Regulations was included to show how we envisaged the policy would be turned into law.
Having considered the feedback, the purpose of this further consultation is to seek views on 2 specific issues that were not included in the January consultation:
The Dashboards Available Point (DAP)
Proposals to support the Disclosure of Information between the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR)