Pet travel: Non-Commercial Movement of Pet Animals Order 2011 review
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Detail of outcome
We received 90 responses to this consultation. The responses will be used to inform our post implementation review of the Non-Commercial Movement of Pet Animals Order.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to know what you think about how the Non-Commercial Movement of Pet Animals Order 2011 (as amended) is working in Great Britain.
In particular, we are interested in any evidence you can provide to help answer whether the 2011 Order:
- is meeting its objectives
- if its objectives are still relevant today
- if there are better ways to meet these objectives
This consultation is part of a 5 year regulatory review of the Non-Commercial Movement of Pet Animals Order 2011 (as amended) which is due to report in December 2016.
Updates to this page
Published 15 September 2016Last updated 2 November 2017 + show all updates
Summary of responses added.
First published.