Open consultation

Possible amendments to the Health Education and Social Care Chamber Rules 2008

Applies to England and Wales


The Tribunal Procedure Committee welcomes views on possible changes to the Health Education and Social Care Chamber Rules regarding whether Special Educational Needs appeals can be dealt with on the papers without the consent of both parties.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

The Tribunal Procedure Committee is interested in your views on a proposal to amend the procedure rules governing the First-tier Tribunal (Health Education and Social Care Chamber) for special educational need and disability appeals.

Stakeholder views are sought on whether such rules should be adopted as well as the content of such rules.


Consultation document


Ways to respond

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Write to:

Tribunal Procedure Committee
Access to Justice Directorate
Policy, Communications and Analysis Group
Ministry of Justice
Post Point: Area 5.20
102 Petty France

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Published 12 September 2024

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