Privacy and Civil Liberties Board
Detail of outcome
Following this consultation we published an impact assessment on the proposals.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The role of the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation has, as described in David Anderson QC’s most recent annual report on the Operation of the Terrorism Acts ‘for over 35 years influenced policy and the operation of the laws within their remit, both directly (by formal or informal recommendations) or via parliamentary or court processes’.
This degree of scrutiny is vital in an area of the law that provides for powers which may go beyond those available under ordinary criminal law. We must ensure that we strike the right balance between safeguarding our national security and ensuring that privacy and civil liberties are not unjustly compromised.
Consideration is being given here to the oversight mechanism for counter-terrorism legislation and the related powers linked to the prevention and suppression of terrorism. This consultation seeks views on a measure within the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill which will enable the Home Secretary to create a Privacy and Civil Liberties Board to support the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation.
The consultation invites comments on a number of details (such as membership of the board) that will be set out in the regulations. These regulations will be subject to affirmative resolution.
How to respond
Please respond to this consultation no later than 30 January 2015.
You can submit your response using the online survey.
You can send your answers to the questions in the consultation, together with any other comments, by email to
You can write to us at:
PCLB consultation
Home Office
CT Legislation and Investigatory Powers Unit
5th floor Peel building
2 Marsham Street