Private coronavirus (COVID-19) testing validation
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Department of Health and Social Care received 43 written responses to this public consultation, which ran for 4 weeks throughout April, closing on 5 May 2021. The consultation sought views on the government’s proposal to establish a requirement that all antigen and molecular detection COVID-19 tests should undergo a mandatory validation process before entering the UK market.
The published consultation response summarises the responses to the consultation and addresses how the department plans to implement feedback to formulate the next steps.
Draft impact assessment: current iteration
The Department of Health and Social Care first published an impact assessment on 20 July 2021, regarding the first stage of desktop validation as part of the measure. This was subsequently brought into force through legislation made on 28 July 2021.
The impact assessment outlines the government’s updated analysis of the economic impacts that this policy would have. This is the updated iteration of the impact assessment and has been produced to build upon the existing analysis, alongside assessing the impact of a proposed passage of legislation to introduce the second stage of mandatory laboratory validation of COVID-19 tests as part of the measure.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are seeking your views to help inform the government’s policy on the validation of private COVID-19 detection tests. The easiest way to participate in the call for evidence as an individual is by completing the public survey.
We also welcome written submissions from individuals or businesses involved in the manufacturer, distribution and retail of COVID-19 tests. Written submissions can include the contribution of data, research and other reports of relevance.
The consulation will run for a period of 4 weeks and everyone aged 16 and over is welcome to contribute.
The consultation document provides further guidance.
Updates to this page
Updated the Draft impact assessment: current iteration.
Updated 'Impact assessment: validating COVID-19 tests in the private market' to build upon the existing analysis.
Added the impact assessment. This is a first iteration of the Impact Assessment and the government plans to build upon this analysis and update the assessment alongside a second Statutory Instrument planned for the Autumn. This second Statutory Instrument will introduce mandatory laboratory validation for COVID-19 tests.
The response to the consultation has been added.
First published.