Proposals for inspecting supported accommodation
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This is a report on the outcomes of the consultation on Ofsted’s proposals for inspecting supported accommodation.
Alongside the response to the consultation, we have published:
Original consultation
Consultation description
Children and young people’s consultation
We are keen to hear from care-experienced children and young people and have set up a dedicated young person’s consultation page. This is where young people can access information that is relevant to them and give their views.
We propose:
- to introduce a 3 outcomes model for the first round of inspections of supported accommodation
- to give a period of 2 working days notice of inspection
We would also like to hear your views on the main features of effective supported accommodation. Your views will help us establish the detailed evaluation criteria that inspectors will use as a benchmark for effective practice.
Ofsted expects to begin inspections of supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged 16 and 17 in April 2024.
Ways to respond to the consultation
Please respond using our electronic survey.
Please submit your response to the consultation using our online survey. If you have any difficulties using the SmartSurvey tool, please email with the details.