Proposals for the reform of the annual canvass
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
See attached documents.
Original consultation
Consultation description
In October 2018 we sought views on the proposed reforms to the annual canvass which were outlined in a policy document and included questions for consultation. Final Government policy is detailed in “Reform of the Annual Canvass - Statement of Policy”. Responses to the 2018 consultation, including the statutory consultations with the Electoral Commission and the Information Commissioners Office held in 2019, are contained in “Reform of the Annual Canvass - Response to Consultations on proposed reform of the Annual Canvass” which is published alongside it.
The policy is being jointly published with the Scottish and Welsh governments. The intention is for legislation to implement these reforms to be introduced in the UK and Scottish Parliaments, and the National Assembly for Wales, in 2019.
Please email if you have any questions about the consultation.