Proposed amendment to the assessment of Chinese and Japanese AS and A levels
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Ofqual has decided to implement the proposal set out in the consultation document. No issues were raised by those responding to the consultation that Ofqual has judged would make it necessary to revise the proposal.
The proposal was made in response to changes DfE wished to make to its subject content expectations for AS and A level qualifications in Chinese and Japanese. Making the amendment for each language will mean that Ofqual’s assessment requirements align with the revised subject content expectations set by DfE.
Ofqual will, therefore, amend its existing requirement that no more than 10 per cent of the total qualification marks may be used for responses in English for AS and A level Chinese and Japanese qualifications. It will amend the requirement so that no more than 40 per cent of the total qualification marks may be used for responses in English.
This will apply to Chinese and Japanese AS and A level qualifications taught from autumn 2024.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Ofqual consulted on a proposed amendment to the assessment requirements for AS and A level Chinese and Japanese qualifications being taught from autumn 2024. One of these requirements currently limits how many marks can be used for responses in English. Through its consultation, Ofqual sought views on whether, and if so how, it should amend this requirement.
Ofqual received 125 responses to the consultation.
The majority of respondents supported the proposed amendment. Of the 123 respondents who answered questions on Chinese, 67 per cent were in favour of amending the requirement, and 87 per cent agreed that the existing limit should be increased from ‘no more than 10 per cent’ to ‘no more than 40 per cent’. Of the 108 respondents who answered questions on Japanese, 62 per cent were in favour of amending the requirement, and 74 per cent agreed that the existing limit should be increased from ‘no more than 10 per cent’ to ‘no more than 40 per cent’.
Ofqual’s proposal was in response to a separate consultation conducted by the Department for Education.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Ofqual invites your views on a proposed amendment to the assessment requirements for AS and A level Chinese and Japanese qualifications being taught from autumn 2024. This consultation seeks views on whether, and if so how, Ofqual should amend a requirement for AS and A level qualifications in Chinese and Japanese that limits how many marks can be used for responses in English.
Ofqual’s proposal is in response to a separate consultation launched by the Department for Education (DfE).