Proposed cessation of the Annual tracking of Afghanistan very seriously injured/seriously injured UK operational casualties
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Detail of outcome
There were no responses during the consultation period thus the Annual tracking of Afghanistan very seriously injured/seriously injured UK operational casualties’ Official Statistic will no longer be produced.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Defence Statistics propose to cease production of the ‘Annual tracking of Afghanistan very seriously injured/seriously injured UK operational casualties’ Official Statistic bulletin.
This has been proposed due to a drop off in the number of casualties sustained in Afghanistan, a fall in the number of personnel receiving specialist care and a perceived reduction of interest for the report from inside and outside the Ministry of Defence (MOD). Please note that the MOD will continue to monitor the healthcare of the personnel very seriously injured (VSI) and seriously injured (SI) in Afghanistan.
Ways to respond:
If you have any comments on the proposed changes please send them:
By email to:
By post to:
Defence Statistics (Health)
Ministry of Defence
Oak 0 West, #6028