Proposed cessation of the following Official Statistics: Location of UK armed forces pension and compensation recipients
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Detail of outcome
The MOD opened a consultation with internal and external stakeholders on 2 January 2024 regarding the proposed cessation of the ‘Location of UK armed forces pension and compensation recipients’ report.
The consultation period ended on 13 February 2024. There were seven responses received during the consultation period objecting to the cessation of the statistics. As a result of these objections the decision has been made to expand the recipient location information currently published in the annual War Pension Compensation (WPS) statistics to include Local Authority level and a new table will be introduced into the annual Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) statistics showing AFCS recipient location information at Local Authority Level. These publications can be found at the links below:
The Location of armed forces pension and compensation recipients report will cease.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This report was developed to provide an estimate of where veterans were located by using pension and compensation data held by the MOD. However, following the release of the England and Wales 2021 Census data, and the upcoming release of the Scotland 2022 Census data, more accurate and comprehensive statistics are now available that better reflect the entire veteran population. We are therefore proposing the cessation of this report.
How to respond
If you have any comments on the proposed cessation of this report, please email them to stating ‘Location of armed forces pension and compensation recipients consultation’ in the subject, by 13 February 2024.
When sending your comments please include contact details (your name and either e mail address, postal address or telephone number) so that we can follow up if clarification is needed.
If there are any issues experienced when using the above email address, please forward any comments to: