Proposed changes to siting requirements for broadband cabinets and overhead lines to facilitate the deployment of superfast broadband networks
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Original consultation
Consultation description
The consultation proposes that for 5 years, broadband street cabinets and new poles can be installed under permitted development rights in any location other than a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) without the need for prior approval from local planning authorities.
Freedom of information
Please note responses may be published, unless you ask us not to do so. In addition under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 all information in responses, including personal information, may be subject to publication or disclosure. If any correspondent requests confidentiality this cannot be guaranteed, and will only be possible if considered appropriate under the legislation.
For enquiries about the consultation (handling) process only please email, heading your communication ‘Proposed changes to siting requirements for broadband cabinets and overhead lines to facilitate the deployment of superfast broadband networks’.
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Updates to this page
Published 29 January 2013Last updated 7 June 2013 + show all updates
Summary of responses and Code of Practice for cabinet and pole siting added.
First published.