Proposed changes to the Cycle Racing on the Highway Regulations (1960)
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This report presents a summary of the feedback received during the consultation period and the government’s position following the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
These documents summarise the changes to the regulation as proposed by British Cycling and the Association of Chief Police Officers. The aim is to make the process of permitting cycle races on the highway clearer for organisers, police and the public.
As part of the government’s Red Tape Challenge programme to reduce regulatory burdens, we intend to amend the regulation Cycle Racing on the Highways 1960 made under the Road Traffic Act 1988 (RTA), sections 31(1) to (5).
The general power to make regulations under the RTA is set out in section 195 of the RTA.
The proposed changes will not alter the fundamental basis on which cycle racing on the highway is regulated. The aim of these changes is to clarify points within the regulations that may be confusing or out of date. For example, the proposed changes will relax the rule on length of a race circuit. It is also proposed that the police will provide a written explanation where a decision has been taken to refuse permission for a race.
British Cycling and Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) have advised of the amendments they would like to see in the regulations.
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