Proposed fire and rescue services inspection programme and framework 2018 to 2019
Detail of outcome
This document sets out HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service’s (HMICFRS) fire and rescue service inspection programme and framework for 2018 to 2019.
HMICFRS fire and rescue service inspection programme 2018/19
Original consultation
Consultation description
In July 2017, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary’s remit was extended to include inspections of fire & rescue services in England, and was renamed Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). As a result of this inspection, HMICFRS will assess and report on the efficiency and effectiveness of the 45 fire and rescue services in England.
This consultation seeks responses to 7 questions about how the inspection of fire & rescue services should be carried out.
What do you think of the proposed approach to FRS inspection that HMICFRS proposes to conduct in 2018/19? How could this be improved?
Do you agree that an integrated inspection of fire and rescue services’ effectiveness and efficiency, and how they look after their people, is better than separate thematic inspections?
Are there any other areas of fire and rescue services’ activity that should be included in the integrated inspections?
Does the draft inspection methodology include the right questions to gather evidence for a rounded assessment of fire and rescue services? How could this be improved?
How else could HMICFRS adapt the way in which it acquires information to take full account of the circumstances of fire and rescue services and of risks to public safety?
What, if any, new or emerging problems for fire and rescue services should HMICFRS take into account in its inspections?
What else should HMICFRS consider doing to make its fire and rescue service assessments as fair as they can be?
We will use the consultation responses to develop a programme and framework, and methodology for our inspections.
Following the close of the consultation on 19 February 2018, HM Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services will consider respondents’ views and, if he determines it appropriate to do so, change the proposed inspection programme and framework before putting it to the Home Secretary for approval.