Proposed merging of the Annual UK regular armed forces land transport accident deaths and Deaths in the UK regular armed forces statistics
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
There were no responses received during the consultation period and thus the statistics will be merged, with the content of the annual UK regular armed forces land transport accident deaths official statistic forming an annex of the deaths in the UK regular armed forces national statistic. The first merged publication will be published in March 2018.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Defence Statistics is proposing to merge the 2 releases so that the land transport accident statistic forms an annex of the overall deaths statistic.
In merging the 2 releases some of the land transport accident statistics content will be removed. Further details of the proposed changes can be found in the consultation document.
Ways to respond
If you have any comments on the proposed changes please send:
By email to:
By post to:
Defence Statistics (Health)
Ministry of Defence
Oak 0 West, #6028
Abbey Wood North
BS34 8JH
When sending your comments please include contact details (your name and either e mail address, postal address or telephone number) so that we can follow up if clarification is needed.
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