Proposed policing inspection programme and framework 2025–29
Applies to England and Wales
Detail of outcome
His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) independently assesses and reports on the effectiveness and efficiency of police forces in the public interest.
In autumn 2024, we ran a consultation on our proposed programme for policing inspections 2025–29. The purpose of this consultation was to make sure we continue to focus our inspection work on what matters most to the public. We asked for views on whether we included the right themes and areas of policing.
Overview of respondents
On 25 October 2024, the consultation period ended. We received 61 responses:
- 28 from police forces
- 11 from police and crime commissioners
- 16 from other organisations
- 5 from members of the public
- a response from the Home Secretary on behalf of the Home Office
Read the Summary of consultation responses: policing inspection programme and framework 2025–29 on the HMICFRS website.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation document from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) sets out our intended inspection programme for policing between April 2025 and March 2029.
We want to make sure that we continue to focus our inspection work on what matters most to the public. We are asking for views on whether our programme covers the right themes and areas of policing activity.
In particular, we would be grateful to receive your responses to the following consultation questions:
1. Do the proposed thematic inspections cover the topics that are currently of most concern to you? Which do you believe are the most important or urgent?
2. Do you agree with the proposed changes to the PEEL assessment framework?
3. Are there any significant new or emerging problems in policing that we should consider when we inspect individual police forces?
These questions are repeated in the body of the consultation. At the end, we explain how you can give us your views.