Proposed reduced frequency of the quarterly UK armed forces and UK entitled civilians operational casualty and fatality statistics Official Statistics
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Detail of outcome
There were no negative responses during the consultation period. In future the UK Armed Forces and UK Entitled Civilians operational casualty and fatality statistics will be published bi-annually. The first bi-annual report will be published on 19 October 2017.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This quarterly report provides statistical information on the number of UK Armed Forces personnel and UK Entitled Civilians, who died, were injured or became ill on Operations KIPION (Middle East), SHADER (Iraq and Syria), GRITROCK (Ebola crisis in West Africa) and TORAL (Afghanistan).
This report has been provided in response to the increasing number of requests for information about UK Service personnel deployed on current operations.
We are seeking external users’ views on reducing the frequency of this publication as outlined in the consultation document.
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Published 20 April 2017Last updated 22 June 2017 + show all updates
Added consultation outcome.
First published.