Consultation outcome

Proposed reduction in frequency of the quarterly Official Statistic on mental health in the UK armed forces

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

There were no responses during the consultation period thus the UK armed forces mental health statistics will be released on a bi-annual basis.

Original consultation


The MOD is seeking your views on the proposed reduction in frequency of the quarterly Official Statistic on mental health in the UK armed forces.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The MOD currently publishes quarterly summary Official Statistics and a detailed annual Official Statistic on mental health in the UK armed forces.

These statistics were first published in July 2007 in response to a high volume of external interest in the mental health of UK armed forces and to meet the information requirements of internal stakeholders. An annual report was developed and first released in July 2008.

Defence Statistics believe there is little external appetite for quarterly reports based on web hit counts and further requests for information. In addition, it is difficult to interpret findings in the quarterly report because the numbers are subject to seasonal variation. The annual report receives the highest number of external web hits and requests for information and we believe that investing resources into publishing the annual data closer to the end of the financial year and developing more detailed analysis for the reports would be more beneficial to the public. We believe reducing the frequency of the quarterly report to a mid-year report in November each year would provide a sufficient view on emerging trends ahead of the end of year report.

The MOD is now seeking external users’ views on the reduction in frequency of the quarterly statistics to a mid-year report to be published in November each year with the more detailed annual report to be published in June each year.

As long as there is no objection during the consultation period to the reduction in frequency of the publication, the reduction to the quarterly report will proceed as planned, with the next scheduled report after 7 April 2016, due to be released in November 2016.

Considering the reasons for the proposed changes, we now invite the feedback of our external data users and are keen to know what impact the reduction of these quarterly summary statistics to once a year at the mid-point of the annual report will have on you?

Ways to respond

If you have any comments on the proposed changes please send:

By email to:

By post to:

Defence Statistics (Health)
Ministry of Defence
Oak 0 West, #6028
Abbey Wood North
BS34 8JH

When sending your comments please include contact details (your name and either e mail address, postal address or telephone number) so that we can follow up if clarification is needed.

Updates to this page

Published 7 March 2016
Last updated 6 May 2016 show all updates
  1. Added final outcome of consultation.

  2. First published.

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