Protecting the Debate: Intimidation, Influence, and Information
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Detail of outcome
We launched the consultation ‘Protecting the Debate: Intimidation, Influence and Information’, to gather feedback on proposals aimed at protecting our electoral system against intimidation and undue influence of candidates, campaigners and voters. With an aim to ‘protect the debate’, the consultation also sought public views on improving transparency in digital election material.
The consultation received a range of responses from many people and I welcome each of the responses to the consultation. This feedback has helped us decide on what steps to take moving forward.
Chloe Smith MP
Minister for the Constitution
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to know what you think about proposals for changes to electoral law which would seek to improve the political debate and help electors to make an informed decision at the ballot box.
In December 2017, the Committee on Standards in Public Life published its review into ‘Intimidation in Public Life’, which set out 33 recommendations to protect people in public life from the severe level of intimidation and abuse that is now commonplace.
The Committee called upon all those involved in the political debate including the Government, social media companies, political parties, the police, broadcast and print media, MPs and Parliamentary candidates, and voters to work to tackle this issue.
This consultation looks at the following recommendations:
the Government should consult on the introduction of a new offence in electoral law of intimidating Parliamentary candidates and party campaigners
the Government should extend electoral law requirements for an imprint on campaigning materials to electronic communications
In our response to the report, we also committed to consult on the need to clarify the electoral offence of undue influence, proposals on which are included in the consultation.