Protecting the term apprenticeship
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We will include a clause in the Enterprise Bill to protect the term ‘apprenticeship’ from misuse by unauthorised training providers.
The measure will create an offence for a person, in the course of business, to provide or offer a course or training as an apprenticeship if it is not a statutory apprenticeship. Employers cannot commit the offence in relation to their employees. We are proposing that the offence is summary only and the maximum penalty is a fine.
See the impact assessment for more information on these proposals.
Detail of feedback received
We received 92 responses from a wide variety of interested parties including:
- employers
- private training providers
- colleges
- schools
- universities
- apprentices
- representative groups
Original consultation
Consultation description
We’re asking for further evidence on the problems identified around the misuse of the term ‘apprenticeship’. We invite responses to a number of potential actions government can take to address them, particularly the proposed legislation in the Enterprise Bill.