Consultation outcome

Protecting the term apprenticeship

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

We will include a clause in the Enterprise Bill to protect the term ‘apprenticeship’ from misuse by unauthorised training providers.

The measure will create an offence for a person, in the course of business, to provide or offer a course or training as an apprenticeship if it is not a statutory apprenticeship. Employers cannot commit the offence in relation to their employees. We are proposing that the offence is summary only and the maximum penalty is a fine.

See the impact assessment for more information on these proposals.

Detail of feedback received

We received 92 responses from a wide variety of interested parties including:

  • employers
  • private training providers
  • colleges
  • schools
  • universities
  • apprentices
  • representative groups

Original consultation


We're consulting about legislation to protect the term ‘apprenticeship’ from misuse.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We’re asking for further evidence on the problems identified around the misuse of the term ‘apprenticeship’. We invite responses to a number of potential actions government can take to address them, particularly the proposed legislation in the Enterprise Bill.


Updates to this page

Published 29 July 2015
Last updated 21 September 2015 show all updates
  1. Added government response and summary of responses.

  2. First published.

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