Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses (PESA) National Statistics
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Response to the Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses (PESA) National Statistics user consultation
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses (PESA) National Statistics are published by HM Treasury and are intended to give a comprehensive overview of Public Spending in the UK.
Users, and the public more generally, can access all of our statistical products and services, and accompanying metadata, by clicking on the ‘Statistics’ area of the Department’s website. HM Treasury statistics are also accessible from the National Statistics Publication Hub.
The overriding purpose of the consultation is to seek views from users about the particular uses to which they put our statistics.
The intended audience for this consultation is any person or body who provides data for; or uses; or has a strong interest in, Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses releases eg government bodies; businesses; local authorities; voluntary organisations; academics, etc.