Purchasing goods and services: protection of small businesses
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We recognise the concerns over costs and unintended consequences which many respondents raised. We will:
- consult on whether further protections are needed for micro businesses in non-regulated sectors
- ensure greater focus on the needs of small businesses through our policy statements to Ofgem and Ofwat
- ask the UK Regulators Network to consider the protections needed by small businesses across regulated sectors as part of its work in 2016
- ensure the Small Business Commissioner provides advice and information covering rights when purchasing goods and services
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received 30 responses from:
- micro and small businesses
- medium and large businesses
- business and consumer representative groups
- trade bodies
- academics
There were a range of views expressed on the questions asked.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We have extended the deadline for responses until 30 June 2015.
We’re asking for evidence on whether:
- the current legislative framework for the sale and supply of goods and services to micro and/or small businesses sufficiently protects them
- there’s a gap in the law
If there is evidence of a gap in the law, we would also like evidence on whether there are:
- potential impacts on costs and benefits of applying certain consumer protections to micro and/or small businesses
- other options
We are interested in hearing from:
- individual firms and their representatives
- trade bodies
- research and academic organisations
- others with experience of analysis in this area
Submissions should be backed up with strong and clear evidence to support any views offered.