Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011: 2021 review
Detail of outcome
The Minister of State for Transport has decided that 3 main steps are required to address the issues identified in the review. They are that we will:
- issue guidance to provide additional clarity on the application of the current interoperability regulations by summer 2022
- work in close partnership with the Office of Rail and Road (ORR), Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) and other industry organisations to explore making better use of existing provisions within RIR 2011
- engage with the rail industry to develop and assess options for potential fundamental legislative changes to RIR 2011. This work will commence in spring 2022
The responses also informed the required post-implementation review (PIR).
Original consultation
Consultation description
Review into the effectiveness of The Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011 (RIR 2011).
The RIR 2011 provides for the UK regulatory framework for rail technical standards for:
- infrastructure
- rolling stock trains
The responses will inform the required post-implementation review (PIR) and may include future recommend practices.
A PIR is a statutory obligation to assess the effectiveness of the regulations every 5 years.