Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Between 24 March and 16 June 2021, the government sought views on proposals to reform the regulation of healthcare professionals and to introduce statutory regulation for anaesthesia associates (AAs) and physician associates (PAs). We received 525 responses from individuals, organisations, healthcare professionals and members of the public. Responses to the consultation showed clear support for changes to the legislative structure that underpins the regulatory bodies and the creation of a more consistent legislative framework.
In response to the feedback received and following an extended period of stakeholder engagement and policy development, we have set out our finalised policy positions. We have published an executive summary of our position and a detailed analysis of the responses to the individual questions.
These positions underpin the draft legislation that will give the General Medical Council the power to effectively regulate AAs and PAs and provide a template for subsequent regulatory legislative reforms. See the consultation on the draft legislation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The UK model of regulation for healthcare professionals is rigid and complex and needs to change to better protect patients and service users, support our health services and to help the workforce meet future challenges.
This consultation seeks views on proposals to modernise the legislation of the healthcare professional regulators. The proposals have been developed in partnership with the professional regulatory bodies, the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care and tested with key stakeholders across the health and care system.
The proposed reforms cover 4 key areas. These are:
- governance and operating framework
- education and training
- registration
- fitness to practise
The consultation also seeks views on the proposed approach to introducing statutory regulation for physician associates and anaesthesia associates.
A consultation document is published as part of this consultation.