Regulating level 2 qualifications supporting progression to T Levels
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Ofqual has decided to implement the regulatory approach to these qualifications, largely as proposed in the policy consultation.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Respondents were generally supportive of the proposals in the consultation. There was strong support for Ofqual’s proposals:
- to require awarding organisations to develop, follow, and keep under review and assessment strategy.
- to require awarding organisations to have regard to guidance specified by Ofqual in relation to assessment design
- to require awarding organisations to use a common grading scale of the following grades: Pass, Merit, Distinction
There were still high levels of support for the following proposals, but with a slightly higher level of disagreement:
- to require awarding organisations to prioritise the purpose statements in the order that they are set out
- to require all assessments to be taken under controlled conditions
- to require awarding organisations to inform Ofqual when approval for funding was withdrawn from one of their qualifications
Original consultation
Consultation description
The aim of this consultation is to provide an opportunity for interested groups to comment on the way in which Ofqual proposes to regulate qualifications supporting progression to T Levels.
Ofqual will consult on the draft Conditions and requirements that would be used to implement this approach in July 2023. This will allow awarding organisations to develop qualifications and centres to familiarise themselves with them ahead of teaching the first reformed qualifications in September 2026.