Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation: proposed changes for 2017
Detail of outcome
The 2017 proposed changes for Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation consultation summary of responses and government decision forms part of the ‘The renewable transport fuel obligations order: government response to consultations on amendments’.
The next steps for this consultation to be taken by government include:
- increasing the obligation level to 9.75% in 2020, rising to 12.4% in 2032
- an additional target for development fuels at 0.1% in 2019, rising to 2.8% in 2032
- a crop cap at 4% in 2018, reducing in equal increments annually from 2021 to reach 3% in 2026 and 2% in 2032
- bringing renewable aviation fuels and renewable fuels of non-biological origin into the scheme
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks the views of the public and stakeholders on proposed changes to the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation Order (RTFO).
In particular it concerns increases to the obligation level, the appropriate level for the contribution of renewable fuels created from agricultural crops, and increases to the use of advanced renewable fuels.
The proposals are intended to increase the supply and sustainability of renewable transport fuels in order to meet national and international climate change commitments.
This consultation will be of particular interest if you are:
- a supplier of fossil and / or renewable fuels
- a body or individual with an interest in renewable fuels
- a body or individual with an interest in the environmental concerns related to the use and production of renewable fuels
We are also consulting on proposed changes to motor fuel greenhouse gas reporting.