Repealing the EU port services legislation
Detail of outcome
The 2017 port services regulation and The Port Services Regulations 2019, will be repealed at the end of 2023 under the provisions of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023.
Detail of feedback received
The consultation received 3 responses. Of these:
- 2 were strongly in favour of proceeding as planned
- 1 was content with the proposal
Original consultation
Consultation description
We propose to repeal the EU port services requirement of Regulation EUR 2017/352 (PSR) and revoke or amend its 2 associated statutory instruments. This will support UK-specific transport regulation for UK ports.
The PSR is an EU law that applies to the larger UK ports – those that were defined as part of the Trans-European Transport Network. The regulation has continued to apply after the end of the transition period (since 31 December 2020).
We propose to:
- bring legislation before Parliament to repeal the EU port services Regulation (EU 2017/352)
- revoke The Port Services Regulations 2019, a statutory instrument that implements discretionary and mandatory elements of the PSR
- amend relevant parts of the Pilotage and Port Services (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020