Review of Stake and Prize Limits for Gaming Machines
Consultation description
Following the announcement on 14 October to carry out a review of stake and prize limits for gaming machines, John Penrose has written to the gambling industry and other stakeholders setting out the timetable for implementation and asking for views on what the review should look like and the best process to follow.
The review will be undertaken by the department in partnership with the Gambling Commission and is expected to take around 18 months from start to finish, beginning in December.
Prior to the implementation of the Gambling Act 2005, a system of regular, routine reviews of stakes and prizes was established by custom on a triennial basis. The intention to reintroduce these periodic reviews follows the recent decision to increase the stakes on B3 gaming machines, and it’s hoped a more systematic approach will give arcade and manufacturing business more certainty when it comes to planning and responding to economic challenges.