Review of the MOD’s formations, vessels and aircraft national statistics publication
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Five responses were received from users during the consultation period which ended on 9 May 2016. These responses have helped to shape the new format and content of the publication, details of which can be found in the outcome document.
To better reflect the changes to the publication, its name will change to ‘UK armed forces equipment and formations’.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The MOD currently publishes the Formations, vessels and aircraft national statistics publication on an annual basis.
This publication contains statistics on:
- vessels in the Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary
- militarily-useful British registered vessels
- formations in the British Army, Army Reserves, Fleet Air Arm, Royal Air Force (RAF), Royal Auxiliary Air Force and selected joint units
- forward available Fleet sizes by type of aircraft in the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, RAF and Joint Helicopter Command
Following an internal review of equipment statistics, which looked at the content of this publication as well as requests for information received by the department, the MOD is now seeking feedback from users via this public consultation.
The aim of this consultation is to identify whether the definitions and terminology, and coverage of the publication still meets users’ needs and if not, how ‘Formations, vessels and aircraft’ can be improved to better meet these needs.
Please see the consultation document for more information about the review, and specific questions the MOD would like feedback on.
Ways to respond:
If you have any comments on the proposed changes, please complete the online consultation form:
If you have difficulties completing the online version, or would prefer to email/post your responses, please use the following contact details:
Defence Statistics (WDS)
Ministry of Defence
Floor 3 Zone K
Main Building
Horse Guards Avenue
When sending your comments please include contact details (your name and either email address, postal address or telephone number) so that we can obtain clarification if required.